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Nicola Evangelisti (Bologna,1972)


Diplomato in scultura presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna. 

Il percorso artistico di Evangelisti è accomunato da un personale uso della luce artificiale intesa sia come medium espressivo che come oggetto di riflessione. Nel 2000 vince il Premio Internazionale Guglielmo Marconi. La sua opera Big Bang entra a far parte della Targetti Light Art Collection ed è esposta al Chelsea Art Museum di New York, al Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle di Varsavia, al MAK di Vienna e al MUAR di Mosca.

Dal 2006 amplia la sua poetica a temi sociali connessi alla guerra e al terrorismo. Hanno inizio alcuni cicli di opere raffiguranti scritte realizzate in bossoli tra cui YOU ARE NOT SAFE parte della collezione permanente del museo  Galila’s P.O.C. a Bruxelles.  Nel 2009 realizza l’installazione urbana Light Blade ora parte della collezione della GAM di Milano. Dal 2013 inaugura un percorso di approfondimento del tema sacro con riferimenti alla metafisica della luce medievale. Dal 2016 realizza installazioni luminose ambientali per la Biennale Light Art di Mantova presso il Palazzo Ducale incentrate sulle significazioni dei simboli nelle antiche religioni. 





Nicola Evangelisti (Bologna, 1972)


Graduated in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna. 

Evangelisti's artistic path is united by a personal use of artificial light intended both as an expressive medium and as an object of reflection. In 2000 he won the Guglielmo Marconi International Prize. His work Big Bang becomes part of the Targetti Light Art Collection and is exhibited at the Chelsea Art Museum in New York, at the Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, at the MAK in Vienna and at the MUAR in Moscow.

Since 2006 he has expanded his poetics to social themes connected to war and terrorism. Some cycles of works begin depicting writings made in bullet casings, including YOU ARE NOT SAFE, part of the permanent collection of the Galila's P.O.C. museum. in Brussels.   In 2009 he created the urban installation Light Blade, now part of the GAM collection in Milan. Since 2013 he has inaugurated a path of in-depth study of the sacred theme with references to the metaphysics of medieval light. Since 2016 he has created environmental light installations for the Biennale Light Art of Mantua at the Palazzo Ducale focused on the meanings of symbols in ancient religions.





Nicola Evangelisti (Bologna, 1972)


Graduated with honors in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, in the late nineties he started developing an artistic approach based on the use of artificial light and focused on scientific and cosmological themes.

In 2000 he won the Guglielmo Marconi International Award.

In 2002 his work "the Big Bang Space Structure" became a part of the Targetti Light Art Collection and was exhibited at the Chelsea Art Museum in New York, at the Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, at the MAK in Vienna and at the MUAR in Moscow.

Throughout the years he has exhibited in many international museums and venues including: ISELP (Institut Supérieur pour l'Etude du Language Plastique de Bruxelles, Archaeological Museum of Frankfurt, Museum Collection Paul VI of Brescia.

in 2006 his work takes a socio- political turn, this evolution is well represented by his bullet cartridge installations  and the use of weapons and knives in the creation of a number of holographic sculptures. 

The installation You Are Not Safe, exhibited at the  International Museum and Library of Music in Bologna, at the MACRO Testaccio in Rome and at the Artiscope Galerie is an important example of this period in Nicola Evangelisti's work.

He has participated in collateral exhibitions of the Brussels Biennale, the Venice Biennale and Manifesta.

In 2009 he created Light Blade, a light installation in the courtyard of Villa Reale in Milan, which later became part of the Milan Modern Art Gallery collection.

In the past two years, he has been invited to exhibit in international museums and galleries including: the MOAH Lancaster (California), the National Museum of the Duchy of Spoleto, Meicheng Space (Shenzhen - China), and the Civic Gallery of Como.

One of  his most recent and meaningful cycles of work explores the relationship between light and symbols and the meanings that derive from their interaction, often referencing geometric visual imagery and its connection to the ancient historiography of the sacred.

Since 2013 he has worked on a cycle of multimedia events in places of worship in collaboration with the homonymous musician , Nicola Evangelisti.  "Lux Inaccessibilis", in the cloister of the Basilica of San Domenico in Bologna, "Speculum Solis" for the Bologna design week, "Genus Lucis " inside the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca in Bologna, are examples of this series of works.

In 2018 he was invited for the second time at the Biennale of Light at the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua by presenting Emerald, a steel laser installation related to sacred geometry. 

In 2021 he presented his latest urban light installation Il Tempio Della Luce  at the Grand Hotel Timeo in Taormina, Sicily.

Represented in the past by Galerie Artiscope in Bruxelles is now represented by the Paci Arte Contemporary gallery in Brescia and Portocervo.




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